Monday, February 7, 2011

GSIS Consolidated Loans

GSIS Consolidated Loans

A member who has been in government service for at least 10 years can avail of a Conso-Loan equivalent to 10 months of their monthly salary. The minimum creditable years in service a member has to have to qualify is 20 months, with the Conso-Loan proceeds equivalent to three months of his monthly salary. The gross loan amount shall be a multiple of the basic monthly salary (BMS), depending on the member’s accumulated record of creditable service (RCS), to wit:

Maximum Loan Amount
Less than 20 months

20 months or more

40 months or more

5 years or more

10 years or more

10 BMS

Making life easier for availing members

The GSIS offers you with an “award system” when availing of the Conso-Loan.

The Conso-Loan is a consolidation of five different loan products into one—Salary Loan, Restructured Salary Loan, Enhanced Salary Loan, Emergency Loan Assistance, and Summer One-Month Salary Loan. By availing of the Conso-Loan, you automatically fully settle your obligations from these loans.

You likewise receive an automatic condonation from the outstanding penalties or surcharges incurred from the abovementioned loans.

Thus, the Conso-Loan provides you with the opportunity to restore your status as a member in good standing and lower your monthly amortization, especially if you are experiencing difficulty in paying your loans and have incurred arrears, penalties, and surcharges.

The privilege of having the penalties condoned can be enjoyed only during the first availment of the Conso-Loan.

The Conso-Loan is renewable as long as there are proceeds available. The loan is payable in six years. The loan will be charged a minimal rate of 12% based on diminishing balance.

Who can avail of the Conso-Loan?

1. Active members with no pending administrative or criminal case are qualified to apply for the loan, provided their agency remitted at least 3 correct monthly premium payments (both personal and government share) within the last 6 months prior to the filing of the application.
2. Must not be on leave of absence without pay.
3. Members’ net take-home pay should be sufficient to cover the regular monthly amortization.
4. Members from suspended agencies are not qualified to avail of the Conso-Loan.

How can members apply for a Conso-Loan?

Members with a GSIS eCard Plus can apply for the Conso-Loan via the GSIS Wireless Automated Processing System or G-W@PS kiosk placed in all GSIS servicing offices and select government agencies. Those still using the old eCard can apply for the loan, over-the-counter, in their servicing GSIS offices.

To apply for a Conso-Loan loan using the kiosk, members need to first place their eCard Plus on the card reader of the kiosk. Then, they need to place any of their pre-selected fingers on the fingerprint biometric scanner of the kiosk. Using the touch screen monitor of the G-W@PS, members must select “Consolidated Loan” from the list of loans available on the loan menu and follow the simple instructions that will be displayed on the screen to complete the transaction.

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